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Ni fydd archebion yn cael eu postio tan 01/10/2024. Orders will not be posted until 01/10/2024.
Ni fydd archebion yn cael eu postio tan 01/10/2024. Orders will not be posted until 01/10/2024.

Astudiaethau a Thestunau Llenyddol


  • Original price £80.00 - Original price £80.00
    Original price
    £80.00 - £80.00
    Current price £80.00

    Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages: The Arthur of the Italia

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Y llyfr cynhwysfawr cyntaf i archwilio'r Chwedl Arthuraidd yn llenyddiaeth a diwylliant yr Eidal yn ystod yr Oesoedd Canol a chyfnod y Dadeni, yn c...

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    Original price £80.00 - Original price £80.00
    Original price
    £80.00 - £80.00
    Current price £80.00
  • Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
    Original price
    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99

    Iberian and Latin American Studies: Barcelona - Visual Culture,

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Mae'r gyfrol olygiedig, ddarluniadol hon yn dwyn ynghyd sylwadau treiddgar am y newidiadau trefol a welwyd yn ninas Barcelona o ddechrau'r ugeinfed...

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    Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
    Original price
    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99
  • Original price £65.00 - Original price £65.00
    Original price
    £65.00 - £65.00
    Current price £65.00

    Intersections in Literature and Science: Scientific Americans - T

    John Bruni
    In stock

    Original price £65.00 - Original price £65.00
    Original price
    £65.00 - £65.00
    Current price £65.00
  • Original price £65.00 - Original price £65.00
    Original price
    £65.00 - £65.00
    Current price £65.00

    Street Urchins, Sociopaths and Degenerates - Orphans Of

    David Floyd
    In stock

    Original price £65.00 - Original price £65.00
    Original price
    £65.00 - £65.00
    Current price £65.00
  • Original price £105.00 - Original price £105.00
    Original price
    £105.00 - £105.00
    Current price £105.00

    Cambridge History of Welsh Literature, The

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Mae llenyddiaeth Cymru yn un o'r hynaf yn Ewrop. Lluniwyd y cerddi cynharaf a oroesodd ar faes y gad yn y Gymru ôl-Rufeinig ac yn yr 'Hen Ogledd', ...

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    Original price £105.00 - Original price £105.00
    Original price
    £105.00 - £105.00
    Current price £105.00
  • Original price £9.00 - Original price £9.00
    Original price
    £9.00 - £9.00
    Current price £9.00

    Anglo-Saxon Verse Runes

    Louis J. Rodrigues
    In stock

    Casgliad o gerddi rwnig Eingl-Sacsonaidd gyda chyfieithiadau Saesneg modern, nodiadau a chyflwyniad cynhwysfawr.

    Original price £9.00 - Original price £9.00
    Original price
    £9.00 - £9.00
    Current price £9.00
  • Original price £9.00 - Original price £9.00
    Original price
    £9.00 - £9.00
    Current price £9.00

    Bards and Heroes - An Introduction to Old Welsh Poetry

    Carl Lofmark
    In stock

    Cyfieithiad Saesneg a thrafodaeth ar gefndir hanesyddol rhai o'r cerddi cynharaf yn y Gymraeg.

    Original price £9.00 - Original price £9.00
    Original price
    £9.00 - £9.00
    Current price £9.00
  • Original price £14.95 - Original price £14.95
    Original price
    £14.95 - £14.95
    Current price £14.95

    Defining the Divinity - Medieval Perceptions in Welsh Court Poetr

    N. G. Costigan
    In stock

    Arolwg gwerthfawr o'r modd yr amlygir syniadau diwinyddol mewn barddoniaeth llys ganoloesol, yn cynnwys cyfieithiadau o 27 o gerddi, sylwadau arnyn...

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    Original price £14.95 - Original price £14.95
    Original price
    £14.95 - £14.95
    Current price £14.95
  • Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
    Original price
    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00

    Darlith Goffa Syr Thomas Parry-Williams: Welsh Prophecy And

    Helen Fulton
    In stock

    Yn y ddarlith hon y mae Helen Fulton yn trafod daroganau rhyddiaith Gymraeg yn dyddio o'r Oesoedd Canol Diweddar. Dadleua fod y math hwn o lenyddia...

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    Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
    Original price
    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00
  • Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
    Original price
    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00

    Darlith Goffa Syr Thomas Parry-Williams: The Poetics of Absence I

    Joseph Falaky Nagy
    In stock

    Darlith Goffa Syr Thomas Parry-Williams 2002 sy'n trafod agweddau ar arddull a ffurf barddoniaeth Geltaidd.

    Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
    Original price
    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00
  • Original price £5.95 - Original price £5.95
    Original price
    £5.95 - £5.95
    Current price £5.95

    Anglo-Welsh Literature - An Illustrated History

    Roland Mathias
    In stock

    Crynodeb o hanes ysgrifennu yn yr iaith Saesneg yng Nghymru o'r bymthegfed ganrif hyd heddiw. Ffotograffau du-a-gwyn.

    Original price £5.95 - Original price £5.95
    Original price
    £5.95 - £5.95
    Current price £5.95
  • Original price £12.95 - Original price £12.95
    Original price
    £12.95 - £12.95
    Current price £12.95

    Ride Through the Wood - Essays on Anglo-Welsh Literature, A

    Roland Mathias
    In stock

    Astudiaeth lenyddol o awduron Eingl-Gymreig.

    Original price £12.95 - Original price £12.95
    Original price
    £12.95 - £12.95
    Current price £12.95
  • Original price £70.00 - Original price £70.00
    Original price
    £70.00 - £70.00
    Current price £70.00

    Gothic Literary Studies: Canadian Gothic - Literature, History An

    Cynthia Sugars
    In stock

    Cyfrol sy'n cynnig ystyriaeth bwysig o waddol llenyddiaeth Gothig o Ganada, gan ganolbwyntio ar ddichonoldeb y llenyddiaeth i fywhau yn hytrach nag...

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    Original price £70.00 - Original price £70.00
    Original price
    £70.00 - £70.00
    Current price £70.00
  • Original price £35.00 - Original price £35.00
    Original price
    £35.00 - £35.00
    Current price £35.00

    Studies in Visual Culture: The Art of the Text - Visuality In

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Yn y gyfrol hon o draethodau, mae arbenigwyr yn archwilio'r berthynas rhwng testunau llenyddol cyfoes a delweddau gweledol amryw gyfryngau - o nofe...

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    Original price £35.00 - Original price £35.00
    Original price
    £35.00 - £35.00
    Current price £35.00
  • Original price £16.99 - Original price £16.99
    Original price
    £16.99 - £16.99
    Current price £16.99

    Writers of Wales: Arthur in Medieval Welsh Literature

    O. J. Padel
    In stock

    Arolwg diddorol iawn o'r cyfeiriadau niferus at Arthur a geir mewn llenyddiaeth Gymraeg ganoloesol yn pwysleisio'r amrywiol arddulliau llenyddol a ...

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    Original price £16.99 - Original price £16.99
    Original price
    £16.99 - £16.99
    Current price £16.99
  • Original price £55.00 - Original price £55.00
    Original price
    £55.00 - £55.00
    Current price £55.00

    Iberian and Latin American Studies: The Brazilian Road Movie -

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Casgliad blaengar o draethodau gan gr?p o ysgolheigion enwog yn cynnig astudiaeth o ddatblygiad cynhyrchu ffilmiau yn Brasil, gan ganolbwyntio ar '...

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    Original price £55.00 - Original price £55.00
    Original price
    £55.00 - £55.00
    Current price £55.00
  • Original price £55.00 - Original price £55.00
    Original price
    £55.00 - £55.00
    Current price £55.00

    French and Francophone Studies: Cinema and the Republic - Filming

    Jonathan Ervine
    In stock

    Astudiaeth i brocio'r meddwl ynghylch yr hyn a ddywed ffilmiau Ffrengig cyfoes am fewnfudiad ac undod cymdeithasol.

    Original price £55.00 - Original price £55.00
    Original price
    £55.00 - £55.00
    Current price £55.00
  • Original price £95.00 - Original price £95.00
    Original price
    £95.00 - £95.00
    Current price £95.00

    French and Francophone Studies: Adapting Nineteenth-Century Franc

    Kate Griffiths, Andrew Watts
    In stock

    Cyfrol yn canolbwyntio ar addasiadau o weithiau chwe llenor Ffrengig yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg, gan asesu cyfraniadau Emile Zola, Honoré de ...

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    Original price £95.00 - Original price £95.00
    Original price
    £95.00 - £95.00
    Current price £95.00
  • Original price £65.00 - Original price £65.00
    Original price
    £65.00 - £65.00
    Current price £65.00

    French and Francophone Studies: Women's Writing In

    Gill Rye, Amaleena Damle
    In stock

    Y cyhoeddiad cyntaf am lenyddiaeth gwragedd deng mlynedd gyntaf yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, yn cynnwys casgliad o draethodau beirniadol heriol sy'n ...

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    Original price £65.00 - Original price £65.00
    Original price
    £65.00 - £65.00
    Current price £65.00
  • Original price £30.00 - Original price £30.00
    Original price
    £30.00 - £30.00
    Current price £30.00

    European Crime Fictions: Crime Fiction in the City - Capital Crim

    Lucy Andrew, Catherine Phelps
    In stock

    Casgliad o draethodau academaidd gan feirniaid llenyddol a llenorion ffuglen trosedd - yn cynnwys traethawd gan Ian Rankin yn myfyrio ar ei waith e...

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    Original price £30.00 - Original price £30.00
    Original price
    £30.00 - £30.00
    Current price £30.00
  • Original price £45.00 - Original price £45.00
    Original price
    £45.00 - £45.00
    Current price £45.00

    Iberian and Latin American Studies: The Spanish Civil War - Exhum

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Er bod y berthynas gymhleth rhwng hanes, cof a phortread o genedl o gonsýrn canolog i gymdeithas gyfoes ymhobman, efallai ei fod ar ei fwyaf effro ...

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    Original price £45.00 - Original price £45.00
    Original price
    £45.00 - £45.00
    Current price £45.00
  • Original price £55.00 - Original price £55.00
    Original price
    £55.00 - £55.00
    Current price £55.00

    Gothic Literary Studies: George Eliot and the Gothic Novel - Genr

    Royce Mahawatte
    In stock

    Mae Royce Mahawatte yn cynnig beirniadaeth gymharol o'r adegau arswydus, syn a melodramataidd yng ngweithiau George Eliot ac o enghreifftiau tebyg ...

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    Original price £55.00 - Original price £55.00
    Original price
    £55.00 - £55.00
    Current price £55.00
  • Original price £50.00 - Original price £50.00
    Original price
    £50.00 - £50.00
    Current price £50.00

    Gothic Literary Studies: Women's Ghost Literature In

    Melissa Edmundson Makala
    In stock

    Mae Women's Ghost Literature in Nineteenth-Century Britain yn archwilio llenyddiaeth Gothig Benywaidd, a'r modd yr ehangodd y ffurf i gynnwys beirn...

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    Original price £50.00 - Original price £50.00
    Original price
    £50.00 - £50.00
    Current price £50.00
  • Original price £70.00 - Original price £70.00
    Original price
    £70.00 - £70.00
    Current price £70.00

    European Visual Cultures: Proust and the Visual

    Nathalie Aubert
    In stock

    Casgliad o draethodau wedi'u hanelu at ddal y 'gweledol' cyfoethog a chymhleth yn nofel Proust, o ran ei goblygiadau athronyddol ac arddull, ac mew...

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    Original price £70.00 - Original price £70.00
    Original price
    £70.00 - £70.00
    Current price £70.00