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Ni fydd archebion yn cael eu postio tan 01/10/2024. Orders will not be posted until 01/10/2024.
Ni fydd archebion yn cael eu postio tan 01/10/2024. Orders will not be posted until 01/10/2024.

Crefydd, Hanes Crefydd


  • Original price £22.99 - Original price £22.99
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    £22.99 - £22.99
    Current price £22.99

    Wrestling with Angels: Conversations in Modern Theology

    Rowan Williams
    In stock

    Original price £22.99 - Original price £22.99
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    £22.99 - £22.99
    Current price £22.99
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    £4.95 - £4.95
    Current price £4.95

    To Love and to Cherish - Personal Stories of Preparing a Wedding

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Casgliad o wasanaethau priodasol wedi eu cynllunio ar gyfer cymheiriaid o ffydd a chefndir gwahanol sy'n dymuno i'r gwasanaeth fod ag arwyddocâd ar...

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    Current price £5.99

    God at Every Gate - Prayers and Blessings for Pilgrims

    Brendan O'Malley
    In stock

    Llyfr gweddi sy'n darparu cynhaliaeth hanfodol i bererinion boed eu taith yn un gorfforol neu'n un ysbrydol.

    Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £5.95 - Original price £5.95
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    £5.95 - £5.95
    Current price £5.95

    Upon High Places - Stories from the Mountains of Wales

    Mike Perrin
    In stock

    Argraffiad newydd, estynedig o gasgliad o storïau sy'n deillio o brofiad yr awdur yn cerdded mynyddoedd Cymru, ac sy'n ceisio cynorthwyo'r darlleny...

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    Original price £5.95 - Original price £5.95
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    £5.95 - £5.95
    Current price £5.95
  • Original price £4.50 - Original price £4.50
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    £4.50 - £4.50
    Current price £4.50

    Singing to the Lord

    D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
    In stock

    Casgliad o bedair pregeth gan y diweddar Barchedig D. Martyn Lloyd -Jones wedi eu seilio ar bwysigrwydd cerddoriaeth a chanu i'r Cristion, yn arben...

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    Original price £4.50 - Original price £4.50
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    £4.50 - £4.50
    Current price £4.50
  • Original price £9.25 - Original price £9.25
    Original price
    £9.25 - £9.25
    Current price £9.25

    Daily Devotions from the Puritans

    I.D.E. Thomas
    In stock

    Casgliad o fyfyrdodau defosiynol dyddiol gan groestoriad o awduron Piwritanaidd, a gasglwyd gan un sy'n weinidog y Bedyddwyr yng Nghaliffornia a da...

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    Original price £9.25 - Original price £9.25
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    £9.25 - £9.25
    Current price £9.25
  • Original price £3.95 - Original price £3.95
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    £3.95 - £3.95
    Current price £3.95

    Following the Shepherd - Through the Twenty-Third Psalm

    Peter Jeffery
    In stock

    Astudiaeth o Salm 23 sy'n anelu at arwain y darllenydd ar siwrnai a fydd yn gwneud iddo sylweddoli beth y mae cael yr Arglwydd yn Fugail yn ei olygu.

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    £3.95 - £3.95
    Current price £3.95
  • Original price £14.95 - Original price £14.95
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    £14.95 - £14.95
    Current price £14.95

    Enjoying God Always - 366 Daily Devotions

    Peter Jeffrey
    In stock

    Casgliad o fyfyrdodau defosiynol dyddiol wedi'u hysgrifennu mewn arddull gyfoes, hawdd ei ddarllen.

    Original price £14.95 - Original price £14.95
    Original price
    £14.95 - £14.95
    Current price £14.95
  • Original price £3.99 - Original price £3.99
    Original price
    £3.99 - £3.99
    Current price £3.99

    Little Book of Celtic Lore, The

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Casgliad maint poced o anecdotau llawn doethineb, cysur ac ysbrydoliaeth, ynghyd â 12 darlun lliw.

    Original price £3.99 - Original price £3.99
    Original price
    £3.99 - £3.99
    Current price £3.99
  • Original price £8.00 - Original price £8.00
    Original price
    £8.00 - £8.00
    Current price £8.00

    Church in Wales Lectionary 2022-23

    Ritchie Craven
    In stock

    Llithiadur blynyddol (yn Saesneg) ar gyfer gwasanaethau yr Eglwys yng Nghymru, 2022-23.

    Original price £8.00 - Original price £8.00
    Original price
    £8.00 - £8.00
    Current price £8.00
  • Original price £17.99 - Original price £17.99
    Original price
    £17.99 - £17.99
    Current price £17.99

    Welsh Bible, The - A History

    Eryn White
    In stock

    Hanes datblygu a chyfieithu'r Beibl o'r ieithoedd gwreiddiol i'r Gymraeg, a'r dylanwad rhyfeddol a gafodd y cyfieithiad ar fywyd a diwylliant Cymru...

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    Original price £17.99 - Original price £17.99
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    £17.99 - £17.99
    Current price £17.99
  • Original price £13.00 - Original price £13.00
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    £13.00 - £13.00
    Current price £13.00

    Culdees of the British Islands, The

    William Reeves
    In stock

    Adargraffiad ffacsimili o astudiaeth ar hanes yr urdd fynachaidd Wyddelig a gyhoeddwyd yn wreiddiol ym 1864.

    Original price £13.00 - Original price £13.00
    Original price
    £13.00 - £13.00
    Current price £13.00
  • Original price £9.95 - Original price £9.95
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    £9.95 - £9.95
    Current price £9.95

    Wales' African Twin - The Story of Dolen Cymru, The Wales Lesotho

    Paul Williams
    In stock

    Mae'r gyfrol hon yn amlinellu stori dolen Cymru-Lesotho a sefydlwyd yn 1983, a'r berthynas agos rhwng y ddwy wlad, gyda nifer o ymweliadau â Lesoth...

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    £9.95 - £9.95
    Current price £9.95
  • Original price £9.95 - Original price £9.95
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    £9.95 - £9.95
    Current price £9.95

    On the Wings of the Dove - The International Effects of the 1904-

    Noel Gibbard
    In stock

    Astudiaeth o effeithiau rhyngwladol Diwygiad 1904-05 yng Nghymru, yn cynnwys hanes bywiog y modd y lledodd dylanwadau ysbrydol y diwygiad cyn belle...

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    £9.95 - £9.95
    Current price £9.95
  • Original price £9.95 - Original price £9.95
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    £9.95 - £9.95
    Current price £9.95

    Great Reformation, The - A Wide-Ranging Survey of the Beginnings

    R. Tudur Jones
    In stock

    Arolwg cryno ac eang o darddiad a datblygiad cynnar Protestaniaeth , gan gynnwys ei hanes yng Nghymru. Mapiau du-a-gwyn. Cyhoeddwyd yr argraffiad h...

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    £9.95 - £9.95
    Current price £9.95
  • Original price £2.50 - Original price £2.50
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    £2.50 - £2.50
    Current price £2.50

    God's Harvest - The Nature of True Revival

    I. D. E. Thomas
    In stock

    Astudiaeth o natur diwygiadau Cristnogol sy'n edrych ar y pwnc gyda gwybodaeth a dirnadaeth ysgrythurol, gan bwysleisio'r elfennau parhaol ymhob ad...

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    Original price £2.50 - Original price £2.50
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    £2.50 - £2.50
    Current price £2.50
  • Original price £8.99 - Original price £8.99
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    £8.99 - £8.99
    Current price £8.99

    Christian Preachers

    Nigel Clifford
    In stock

    Cyflwyniad i fywyd a chyraeddiadau 31 o rai o bregethwyr mwyaf bla enllaw yr Eglwys Gristnogol o'r bedwaredd hyd yr ugeinfed ganrif. Ffotograffau a...

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    £8.99 - £8.99
    Current price £8.99
  • Original price £2.99 - Original price £2.99
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    £2.99 - £2.99
    Current price £2.99

    Glory over Calvary

    Peter Trumper
    In stock

    Stori'r Croeshoelio wedi ei hadrodd drwy lygaid y rhai oedd yn bresennol y tu allan i furiau Caersalem.

    Original price £2.99 - Original price £2.99
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    £2.99 - £2.99
    Current price £2.99
  • Original price £24.99 - Original price £24.99
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    £24.99 - £24.99
    Current price £24.99

    Society for the Reformation of Manners in Hull, 1698-1706, The

    Daniel Reed
    In stock

    Golwg y tu ôl i'r llenni ar un gymdeithas anghydffurfiol yn y Deyrnas Unedig ar droad yr ail ganrif ar bymtheg.

    Original price £24.99 - Original price £24.99
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    £24.99 - £24.99
    Current price £24.99
  • Original price £70.00 - Original price £70.00
    Original price
    £70.00 - £70.00
    Current price £70.00

    Studies in Visual Culture: Painting and Devotion in Golden Age Ib

    Jean Andrews
    In stock

    Astudiaeth o waith yr artist Sbaenaidd defosiynol o'r unfed ganrif ar bymtheg, Luis de Morales.

    Original price £70.00 - Original price £70.00
    Original price
    £70.00 - £70.00
    Current price £70.00
  • Original price £24.99 - Original price £24.99
    Original price
    £24.99 - £24.99
    Current price £24.99

    Religion, Loyalty and Sedition - The Hanoverian Succession of 171

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Cyfrol yn trafod arwyddocâd cyfnod yr Olyniaeth Hanoferaidd a gychwynnodd yn 1714 pan esgynnodd Siôr I i orsedd Prydain.

    Original price £24.99 - Original price £24.99
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    £24.99 - £24.99
    Current price £24.99
  • Original price £18.99 - Original price £18.99
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    £18.99 - £18.99
    Current price £18.99

    Celtic Saints - in Their Landscape

    Elizabeth Rees
    In stock

    Dathliad darluniadol cyfoethog o etifeddiaeth seintiau Celtaidd Iwerddon a Chymru, yr Alban a Chernyw, Swydd Northumbria ac Ynys Manaw, wedi ei sei...

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    Original price £18.99 - Original price £18.99
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    £18.99 - £18.99
    Current price £18.99
  • Original price £10.00 - Original price £10.00
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    £10.00 - £10.00
    Current price £10.00

    Two Celtic Saints - The Lives of Ninian and Kentigern

    Siop Y Pentan
    In stock

    Bywgraffiadau o ddau o seintiau Celtiadd, sef Ninian a Kentigern.

    Original price £10.00 - Original price £10.00
    Original price
    £10.00 - £10.00
    Current price £10.00
  • Original price £4.75 - Original price £4.75
    Original price
    £4.75 - £4.75
    Current price £4.75

    Country Churchyards in Wales

    Donald Gregory
    In stock

    Argraffiad newydd o gyfeirlyfr i 130 o fynwentydd ar hyd a lled Cymru o gyfnodau cynhanesiol hyd heddiw, yn cynnwys gwybodaeth gefndirol werthfawr ...

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    Original price £4.75 - Original price £4.75
    Original price
    £4.75 - £4.75
    Current price £4.75