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Plant a Phobl Ifainc (Nofelau a Storïau)

  • Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
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    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00

    Jack the Station Cat and the Tail's End Tickets

    Alan Cliff
    In stock

    Mae chwe hen docyn o dyddiau cynharaf yr orsaf yn cael eu dwyn. Mae'n rhaid i Jac a'i ffrind Mr J. Toddington Ramsbottom ddod o hyd iddynt. A fydd ...

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    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00
  • Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
    Original price
    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00

    Jack the Station Cat - Jack in a Box

    Alan Cliff
    In stock

    Stori ddifyr yn y gyfres Jack the Station Cat. Gwelwyd talfyriad o'r stori hon yn Jack the Station Cat Signalman and Other Stories. Ceir yma hanes ...

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    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00
  • Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
    Original price
    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00

    Jack the Station Cat and the Lost Kittens

    Alan Cliff
    In stock

    Mae Tom, y gath forwrol a dwy gath fach ddireidus iawn o'r enw Jasper a Jessie yn dod i weld eu cefnder Jack yn Tail's End. Rhywfodd, y mae Tom yn ...

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    Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
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    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00
  • Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
    Original price
    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00

    Jack the Station Cat and the Great Little Trains Robbery

    Alan Cliff
    In stock

    Stori fer ddifyr am Jack y gath sy'n byw yn yr orsaf drenau, ac sy'n atal criw o ddihirod rhag difetha dathliadau pen-blwydd yr orsaf yn 100 mlwydd...

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    Original price £2.00 - Original price £2.00
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    £2.00 - £2.00
    Current price £2.00
  • Original price £4.95 - Original price £4.95
    Original price
    £4.95 - £4.95
    Current price £4.95

    House That Jack Built, The

    Manon Eames, Ioan Hefin
    In stock

    Llyfr wedi ei ddarlunio'n lliwgar yn adrodd stori sy'n cynnwys neg es ecolegol gref am ganlyniadau esgeuluso'r amgylchedd.

    Original price £4.95 - Original price £4.95
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    £4.95 - £4.95
    Current price £4.95
  • Original price £4.99 - Original price £4.99
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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99

    Welsh Cakes and Custard

    Wendy White
    In stock

    Helyntion Betsi Wyn sy'n bum mlwydd oed wrth iddi flasu profiadau megis cinio ysgol, cyngherddau a phartïon môr-ladron am y tro cyntaf, a hynny gyd...

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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99
  • Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99

    Christmas Truce, The - The Place Where Peace was Found

    Hilary Robinson
    In stock

    Stori am Ben a Ray, dau filwr Prydeinig, yn estyn llaw cyfeillgarwch i Karl a Lars, dau filwr Almaenig, gan gofnodi digwyddiad nodedig yn ystod y R...

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    Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99
  • Original price £25.00 - Original price £25.00
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    £25.00 - £25.00
    Current price £25.00

    Snow Leopard, The - Artist Edition

    Jackie Morris
    In stock

    Stori o hud a dycnwch wedi'i osod ym mynyddoedd yr Himalaya. Mae Llewpart yr Eira yn chwilio am olynydd er mwyn gwarchod ei theyrnas. Dyma argraffi...

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    Original price £25.00 - Original price £25.00
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    £25.00 - £25.00
    Current price £25.00
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
    Original price
    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Matilda (Dahl Fiction)

    Roald Dahl
    In stock

    Mae Matilda'n dyheu am gael rhieni da a chariadus, ac mae'n dyfeisio gêm i'w cosbi bob tro y caiff ei thrin yn ofnadwy ganddynt. Cyn bo hir, mae'n ...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £4.99 - Original price £4.99
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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99

    Steve's Dreams: Steve and the Sabretooth Tiger

    Dan Anthony
    In stock

    Mae'n wyliau haf, ond nid yw Steve yn mwynhau bywyd yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru o gwbwl. Ond wedi ymweliad gan y Llyfrgell Freuddwydion, caiff byd Steve e...

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    £4.99 - £4.99
    Current price £4.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Major and Mynah: Operation Raven

    Karen Owen
    In stock

    Pan guddia Bo ym mag Callie ar y trip ysgol i D?r Llundain, caiff Callie a Grace drafferth cadw'r gyfrinach. Ond pan gaiff trysor gwerthfawr ei ddw...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99

    See What I Can Do! - An Introduction to Differences

    Jon Roberts
    In stock

    Mae Jon Roberts yn adrodd am brofiadau bywyd go-iawn plant sydd yn teimlo'n wahanol yn y gyfrol ddarluniadol, dyner a llawn ffeithiau hon. Caiff cy...

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    Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    B Team Win, The

    Roy Noble
    In stock

    Dydd Mercher yw'r diwrnod gwaethaf ym mywyd Rhodri. Mae'n golygu profion ysgol a siomedigaethau cyson, ond wedi iddo gyfarfod ag Idris, aelod o lys...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99

    Cameron Tiberius Mcpherson and his Magic Chair

    Tug J. Wilson
    In stock

    Mae Cameron Tiberius McPherson a'i fam hynod, Lulu, yn byw ar lawr uchaf Grimthorpe Towers yn nhref Pimple. Caiff eu bywydau eu troi wyneb i waered...

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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99
  • Original price £7.99 - Original price £7.99
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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99

    Bully Goat Griff

    Helyn Latimer
    In stock

    Stori ddoniol a chynnes am fyn gafr sy'n dysgu nad yw bod yn fwli yn dda iddo ef nac i eraill. Mae ei ffrindiau cefnogol (a maddeugar) yn ei ddysgu...

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    £7.99 - £7.99
    Current price £7.99
  • Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
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    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99

    Gaspard's Foxtrot

    Zeb Soanes
    In stock

    Mae ffrind Gaspard y llwynog, sef Finty'r ci a'i berchennog Honey yn teithio i gyngerdd clasurol yn Hyde Park, Llundain. O! na allai Gaspard ymuno ...

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    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99
  • Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
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    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99

    Mouse and Mole: A Fresh Start

    Joyce Dunbar
    In stock

    Mae Llygoden a Twrch yn mentro profi eu cyfeillgarwch, ond yn sylweddoli na fedrant fyw heb weld ei gilydd, hyd yn oed am ddiwrnod. Mae anturiaetha...

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    Original price £12.99 - Original price £12.99
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    £12.99 - £12.99
    Current price £12.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    B Team, The

    Roy Noble
    In stock

    Llyfr ysbrydoledig i blant gan y darlledwr poblogaidd Roy Noble, yn cynnwys arlunwaith Karl Davies. Stori i godi'r galon, wedi'i hadrodd â hiwmor m...

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    Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Walking with Bamps

    Roy Noble
    In stock

    Stori ddarluniadol, dyner sy'n dal yr anogaeth, yr hiwmor a'r hud tawel ym mherthynas Bronwen a'i thad-cu wrth iddyn nhw fynd ar deithiau yn y wlad...

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    Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Major and Mynah

    Karen Owen
    In stock

    Stori hwyliog i blant am Callie, sy'n codi ei chalon pan fo'n darganfod bod ei hoffer clyw diweddaraf yn ei galluogi i siarad â Bo yr aderyn Myna. ...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £6.99 - Original price £6.99
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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99

    Walker: The Mystery of the Missing Millions

    Shoo Rayner
    In stock

    Mae Walker sy'n ddeg oed yn cerdded c?n pobl eraill gan nad oes ganddo gi ei hun, a chan fod c?n yn siarad ag ef. Pan aiff y biliwnydd Arlington Wh...

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    £6.99 - £6.99
    Current price £6.99
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Monster Max and the Bobble Hat of Forgetting

    Robin Bennett
    In stock

    Dyma Max. Mae popeth yn normal yma. Does dim yn rhyfedd am Max ... hyd nes y bydd e'n torri gwynt. Dyma briodas wych rhwng antur cyffrous a chomedi...

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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £5.99 - Original price £5.99
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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99

    Thimble Wonga Bonkers

    Jon Blake
    In stock

    Pan aiff Mam oddi cartref am wythnos, mae Jams, Dad a Thimble y mwnci yn gorfod byw ar 30 punt yn unig. Mae Dad yn llunio rhestr siopa, ond pan gai...

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    £5.99 - £5.99
    Current price £5.99
  • Original price £9.00 - Original price £9.00
    Original price
    £9.00 - £9.00
    Current price £9.00

    Sikh Snowman, The

    Owen Gallagher
    In stock

    Original price £9.00 - Original price £9.00
    Original price
    £9.00 - £9.00
    Current price £9.00